Project Name: SSLV X1
Nazrul -01
DhumketuX's Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) , "NAZRUL-1"
Orbital Rocket
Over 30,000 tiny satellites are expected to be launched in the next ten years, and the Nazrul series is built to make this possible with previously unheard-of mass availability and economics. In addition to offering specialized, dedicated, and ride-sharing options that address a wide range of small satellite customer needs, Nazrul vehicles’ cutting-edge technology design provides unique capabilities like multi-orbit insertion and interplanetary missions.
Soon, launching satellites into space will be as simple and quick as scheduling a taxi ride!
Basic Configuration:
- length: 13.71 m
- Fairing Diameter : 0.816 m
- Payload: 510kg [LEO]
- Fuel type: Solid
- Range: 450+ killometers [LEO]
- Communication system: Sat
Project Progress
Work done