Our Satellite's

Project stratosphere

High-Altitude Weather Balloon (HAWB)

HAWB Project

The Stratosphere Weather Balloon Project represents an ambitious and innovative endeavor aimed at exploring and understanding the dynamic and complex atmospheric conditions in the stratosphere. This project leverages the use of high-altitude weather balloons as a platform for collecting valuable data and conducting experiments that contribute to our knowledge of Earth’s upper atmosphere.

  • landscape imaging
  • Atmospheric Research
  • Technology Development
  • Educational Outreach

To Join This Project

Project Progress


Funded By Sponsors

Cube Satellite

"Bangla Vasha"

The Dhumketux Team Started The Nanosatellite Project Called Cube Sat “Bangla Vasha”. We plan to start this nano-satellite project once our first rocket launch is finished in 2022. The Dhumketux Team hoped to launch Cube Sat-E into low-Earth orbit by 2024 through the SPARRSO’s CubeSat Launch Initiative.

Project Progress


"Bijoy Dhara"

Our second cube SAT project is called “Bijoy Dhara.” The new SAT will be stronger than the old one. After completing our first cube satellite, “Bangla Vasha,” in 2024, we intend to start this nano-satellite project. The Dhumketux Team aimed to launch Cube Sat-E into Low Earth Orbit by 2025 using SPARRSO’s CubeSat Launch Initiative.

Project Progress


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